spring equinox 2020 - paradigm shift - new world order - quarantine 3/19/20, edited 3/31
We waste so much energy on our ego. We look for infinite ways to pump ourselves up to be better than something else, someone else, some idea we have of goals we can never reach. We want to have more, be more, get more and it is never ending, it is never enough. We know somewhere inside ourselves, sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly, that there is much more than this. We feel it somewhere, in our bones, in our guts, in our blood-- when we are guided by our spirit, by our soul. There are moments when it is very crystal clear to us that something deep, something ancient, something both inside of us and outside of us, is guiding us. This is what we try to go towards. Now more than ever we need to go towards this. We need to reflect on what we really need. What we really need energetically, emotionally, psychologically, physically, materially. What are our real needs. We need to reflect on what is not scarce - and what is unavailable, and who it is unavailable to. We need to reflect on this. We need to think about what we are willing to give up. These questions that are coming up right now are both literal and esoteric. They push us to think about both, and the multi-dimensional spectrums in between, and around those polarities. What do we really need.
With this there is something to be said about being vulnerable. Vulnerability also functions on multiple levels. Materially, emotionally, everything in between and around. When we make the decision to not try to have power over others, to not shelter and prop up our egos constantly, to be guided by our spirit, our souls, vulnerable, give love and resources and energy with only that behind it-- we see that we nonetheless do not exist in a vacuum. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Even apart from materially, we are not de facto unaffected by others we care about at the times that they are in their ego. None of us are immune to it. Materially, we cannot zen the things we need to survive into existence if we do not have them. We cannot manifest them into being.
The reason this cycle continues is because it hurts. It hurts to have power held over you. Emotional power, physical power, material power-- power of the things that we need to survive. Both material things to keep our physical beings going, healthy and safe - food, shelter, water, medicine, air, rest -- and the things that keep our spirit healthy, friendship, communion, love, laughter, touch, understanding, presence, growth, dirt, birdsong, trees, fresh air, other beings in nature, relaxation, sensation.
There is a magic that is made when we can connect with these things. Whether we connect to these things through subtle energy, or through other humans, at certain moments we create, tap into, harness and make more of a certain energy that is little pieces of the force that creates the life that we know is right to live. Creates the energy that can sustain the beings on the planet, that reminds us of what we really need, that reassures us of all that we do not need, that confirms for us once and for all that the scarcity we've been bred to cling to is very literally an illusion. When we can step back and look at all that we do, all that we create, all that we act out in these times, it is so plainly, clearly evident that there is no real shortage of what we really need. The things that we need are deep and true, and these things, there is an abundance of them. Where there is not an abundance, the most simple of redirecting of energies creates far more than we all need of these physical and spiritual resources.
This time is a call for us to put our energy to a new world order. Our paradigm is shifting, it has been called on in different ways from different people for a very long time coming. The efforts have been accumulating, over the days months years. The misdirection of resources, of energy, of power has been echoing over through our beings, the rocks, the trees, the mountains, the cosmos and its balance has been echoing back, slowly accumulating, reverberating through these forces, composting what no longer gives life, force or energy, and recreating source for that which will balance. The healing is the balance to the hurt. This healing has been growing, accumulating, magnifying throughout the eons, the wavelengths, the miles, the space, it is coalescing into a force that needs our collective energy to make it cohesive, make it strong, and make it directed. It came from us and it needs us. We cannot turn away.