About Reflections

I am always writing, pondering, pontificating on topics that deeply affect me, people I care about, or issues of larger justice that shake my core. Being a generally very private person, I rarely share these thoughts with anyone although they do fuel the conversations I have with people I am close to. This causes some dissonance however since I do truly think that we need to be pondering and pushing ourselves on these issues to the max, hence the entire concept of the radio show. This section will be a loose and somewhat private zone where I’ll toss around some of the things that go on in my brain, often inspired by my friends brains, or the insanely badass community of thinkers that I follow. During this covid19 crisis, I have really been wishing that more of these thinkers had a way they were sharing their thoughts on the regular, so many that I always look to for guidance have understandably sworn off social media. But there is an explicit difference between sharing on social media, yelling in a room where everyone is yelling and everyone is there to hear the yelling that hits them in some algorithmic and coincidence-time-based random way, and this little corner of internet-sharing that feels a little personal. If you want to hear my thoughts, and my reflections, you have to make the intentional decision to come to me. In these insane times I wish badly that some of my heroes in the public eye had a little corner where they could share the things they are pondering, struggling, batting around in their heads. I wish I could have a little ear in the community conversations happening around the people who have helped me to understand the world and my conception and fire to make it take form in new ways that we have already been fighting for. I am so hungry for that conversation I’m going to start it with myself here, and surprise dissonance of dissonances, somehow the fact that this is public but unlikely to be discovered by anyone apart from who I tell to look, makes it seem like the perfect place. I am such a luddite I have scarcely an idea if or how anyone else will find this, but in the vast cluttered sea of the internet, I doubt it, so that makes me feel comfortable letting it hang out here in a way that I feel like I need right now. If you do happen to read any of these things and feel like sharing a thought, please do. In addition to commenting, if anyone feels like they want to collaborate on writing, whether by adding ideas, editing, or giving feedback please reach out. Even though this is straight up on the internet, it is still somehow personal and private here. One more way of finding ways to make a connection.

I already have a few things written or started that feel somewhat-to-very important to me, so I’ll work on including them in the coming days and I guess I’ll figure out as I go how much I want to edit. The danger of the edit is that I am personally very prone to getting lost in the eternal edit that results in a never shared product. Is procrastination a kind of prolonged edit? I am trying to break that cycle in more ways than one. So here is my start.

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