EP52 \ Crime & Justice Pt. 3 - The Big Picture • April 7th •

Please see sources from episode 52, Crime & Justice - Pt. 3 - The Big Picture, below. Here are many amazing resources, please enjoy and learn! Once again, a huge thank you to Danica Buck for her enlightening perspective from inside the justice process during our interview in this episode.

This is our third episode on the theme of crime, justice and incarceration. Here we look at the big picture, including the pervasive impact of implicit bias throughout our systems, taking a glimpse on its role in the immense topic of the school-to-prison pipeline, with some compelling studies on the shockingly young ages that our biases begin to affect children. This episode features a conversation with public defender Danica Buck, where we explore the role of our implicit biases in the overall process of the justice system, from traffic stops to sentencing. We also explore some hope-inspiring ideas for how we can begin to conceive of new ways to move away from our broken system of mass incarceration to a system of true justice.


Peace and Justice Summit: Education - Race, Implicit Bias & Protecting Our Children


Walter Gilliam, PhD - Professor Yale School of Medicine - Yale Child Study Center

Inside 100 million police traffic stops: New evidence of racial bias - March 13, 2019 - Erik Ortiz

Stanford researchers found that black and Latino drivers were stopped more often than white drivers, based on less evidence of wrongdoing.



Scientists used AI to explore the results of the Implicit Association Test

By Natasha FrostOctober 23, 2018 - Machines with Brains // Exposing The Bias


Reaction - ‘Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People’ by Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald

The Washington Post - By Matthew Hutson


MLK Week Keynote Speaker Michelle Alexander - UNCA Ramsey Library Video Production - Published on Jan 31, 2018


Racial bias associated with disparities in disciplinary action across US schools - April 3, 2019 - ScienceDaily

Source: Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs


For more reading:


The Equal Justice Initiative is a non-profit organization, based in Montgomery, Alabama, that provides legal representation to prisoners who may have been wrongly convicted of crimes, poor prisoners without effective representation, and others who may have been denied a fair trial.

It guarantees the defense of anyone in Alabama in a death penalty case.

Peace and Justice Summit 2018

The Peace and Justice Summit on April 26 and 27, 2018, accompanied the grand opening of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, and featured talks, music, and panel discussions with national leaders. In response to growing demand, EJI is bringing these programs to a global audience by making the video recordings of all eight sessions available online.




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