EP50 \ Crime & Justice – Deeper Perceptions
Please see sources from episode 50, Crime & Justice - Deeper Perceptions, below.
There are many things in our social and political worlds that have deeper meaning than we hear or see on the surface. Much of the socio-political environments today; the way we consume and reflect each others' perspectives, often under-represent their deeper implications. On this episode, we begin to scratch the surface of our concepts of crime, criminality, justice- who and what we think of as "criminal" and how we respond to that. We will attempt to unravel some of the real-life consequences these perceptions - and the policies that follow have on our communities and lives. This episode opens up this immense theme, with the later shows featuring special guests with first-person experiences on the subject to help us contextualize these realities.
We are also moving the format of the show more towards an alternating format- one show will be mostly music and the next mostly talk. I'll be producing the talk-centric one per the usual, and Kyle Lane will be producing a mostly music version, ‘studioSOUND’. We'll still be working as a team on both, but you can mark your calendars to treat your ears & brain to each.
You can hear the show again here (jump to ~19:00 to get into the meat of the issue and skip the music):
Also, please note, the next talk show will air March 10th. In the meantime, look out for the music shows, ‘studioSOUND’ curated by KYLE that aired Feb. 10th, and the next one to air Feb. 24th. Thanks again for listening and your support!
13TH - Documentary - Directed by Ava DuVernay - 2016 - Netflix
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age Of Colorblindness. Michelle Alexander (book). 2010. New York: New Press.
Adam Ruins Everything - The Shocking Way Private Prisons Make Money - from Adam Ruins Prison - November, 2016
(Adam Ruins Prison - November, 2016 - full episode)
ADAM'S SOURCES- Adam Ruins Prison - Adam Conover / Sunday, November 20, 2016 10:40 pm
Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy
The forty-two-minute recording, acquired by James Carter IV, confirms Atwater’s incendiary remarks and places them in context.
By Rick PerlsteinTwitter NOVEMBER 13, 2012
There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof. | Opinion | The Washington Post
By Radley Balko - September 18, 2018 (many more sources cited in-article)